DeepNOG: fast and accurate protein orthologous group prediction

deepnog is a Python package for predicting protein orthologous groups with deep networks.

Getting started

Get started with deepnog in a breeze. Find how to install the package and see all core functionality applied in a single quick start example.

User Guide

The User Guide introduces the main concepts of deepnog.

API Documentation

The API Documentation provides detailed information of the implemented methods. This information includes method descriptions, parameters, references, examples, etc. Find all the information about specific modules and functions of deepnog in this section.


There are several possibilities to contribute to this free open source software. We highly appreciate all input from the community, be it bug reports or code contributions.

Source code, issue tracking, discussion, and continuous integration appear on our GitHub page.

What’s new

To see what’s new in the latest version of deepnog, have a look at the changelog.

Indices and tables